This New Discovery Could Help Fight Fungal Infections More Efficiently

new discovery could help fight fungal infections

Just how deadly fungal diseases can be, has become ever more apparent in recent years. Because fungi are more difficult to kill than bacteria, treating conditions like fungal sepsis can be extremely difficult. For this reason, a team of researchers at Yale, have developed a new way to fight fungal infection. This discovery could help fight fungal infections more efficiently.

What Has the Team at Yale Discovered?

According to scientist Viswanathan Muthusamy, who co-penned this research document, the aim was to recruit immune cells to kill pathogenic cells.

They went on to construct antibody-recruiting molecules (ARMS) to target the cell wall of fungi. These ARMs were designed to get human effector cells to destroy foreign intruders, such as fungi.

Using two ends, one to attach to the fungi’s outer layer and one to an antibody, these ARMs induce the killing of the fungal cell by the patient’s own immune system.

What Is Different About this New Discovery?

The researchers concluded that this discovery could help fight fungal infections more efficiently. But what is different about this method?

In common immunization methods, foreign agents kill fungi, whereas here, it’s the body’s immune system gets to work. With the ARM method, it’s the body’s own antibodies that do the job.

As a result, there’s no disruption to the immune system, and treatment side effects are less likely.

Final Thoughts

Experts agree that this discovery could help fight fungal infections more efficiently. In fact, they consider it a novel approach with considerable potential for success in the treatment of fungal diseases.

Combining it with current treatments may also be a viable option.

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