How to Treat Yeast Infections in Children under the Age of 3

yeast infections in toddlers

Although we don’t often associate yeast infections with toddlers, our little ones are affected by this condition as much as adults. And, while they may not be dangerous or life-threatening, they can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, especially for newborn babies. Fortunately, these infections are easy to diagnose, treat, and most importantly –prevent.

So, how can you treat yeast infections in toddlers?

Recognizing a Yeast Infection

There are several areas you should watch out for if you’re worried about your young one developing a yeast infection: diaper area, neck, mouth, and armpits. As it has similar symptoms to diaper rash, it can be easy to confuse these two conditions. However, a yeast infection is different: it’s very red, has red spots around the edges, and doesn’t go away with diaper rash cream.

Treatment and Prevention

Most fungal infections can be treated with antifungal ointments like nystatin and miconazole, although some cases may require oral medication if the infection spread to other areas of the body.

There are some things you can do to prevent yeast infections in toddlers:

  • Frequent diaper changes to keep the diaper area as clean and dry as possible
  • Replacing pacifiers and bottle nipples to avoid the growth of bacteria
  • Washing pacifiers and bottle nipples in hot water to kill bacteria

Final Word

Yeast infections in toddlers are an annoyance rather than a major health problem. However, they still require medical attention to relieve pain, avoid spreading the infection and prevent possible complications. If you notice a rash that doesn’t go away with diaper rash cream, contact your doctor so he or she can come up with a treatment plan for your little one.

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