Ringworm and Shingles: How to Tell Them Apart

Ringworm and shingles are two extremely common skin conditions. They have some similar symptoms. But there are also some major differences between shingles and ringworm.

How can you tell which skin condition you’re dealing with?

The Main Differences Between Shingles and Ringworm

Shingles is a viral disease. It comes from the virus that causes chickenpox. Antiviral treatments usually help.

Ringworm is a fungal disease. You can treat it using antifungal drugs.

Both diseases are extremely infectious. They both come with itching and a rash. In both cases, the rash can blister and ooze.

So are there any differences between shingles and ringworm? How do you recognize what you are dealing with?

  • Shingles Come with More Pain

Shingles are usually more painful. In addition to the itch, you can expect a stabbing pain in the affected area. If you aren’t experiencing pain, you may have ringworm instead.

  • Ringworm Leaves Characteristic Red Marks on the Body

Both skin conditions change the skin. However, ringworm causes round, red patches. These are easy to recognize.

  • Shingles May Make You Nauseous and Feverish

This viral infection can cause chills and nausea. Additionally, it may give you aches and a fever. People who have shingles also tend to get headaches.

  • Ringworm Induces Hair Loss

Are you losing patches of your hair? If so, you are probably infected by ringworm. At this point, it’s very important to seek out medical advice.

A Final Word

Another thing to keep in mind is that both diseases are very highly infectious.

Shingles is especially likely to affect people with immunity problems. There is a vaccine that can help prevent it. You can lower your risk of contracting ringworm if you practice good hygiene.

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