The Link between Candida and Eczema: What You Need to Know

candida and eczema

Candida albicans produces a plethora of symptoms, including thrush, digestive disorders, skin and nail fungal infections, and more besides. But what about the link between candida and eczema? Does candida exacerbate your eczema or cause it in the first place?

This article looks at the link between candida and eczema, outlining how the two relate. In addition, we look at why it is important to deal with your candida infection if you’re an eczema sufferer.

What Is the Link Between Candida and Eczema?

The link between candida and eczema was discovered by scientist 50 years ago. Studying the incidents of infants suffering from both, Candida albicans and eczema, researchers established a firm link between the two conditions. In this study, 69% of infants with eczema also suffered from candida. Among those suffering from no skin condition, only 38% had candida.

So, what is the connection between the two conditions? In essence, eczema is a heightened immune system response, so it’s an overreaction by the body to certain triggers. Candida can become such a trigger, causing a worsening of eczema symptoms.

Thus, when someone suffers from candida, her/his body produces an excess of pro-inflammatory cytokines as well as immunoglobulin.

Candida as an Eczema Trigger

Reacting to the candida overgrowth in the gut, the body produces an excess of immunoglobin antibodies. As a result, eczema outbreaks become more frequent and severe. Here, a substance known as IgE immunoglobin represent the link between candida and eczema, one also studied by researchers.

Final Thoughts

Scientists know that candida can worsen eczema symptoms. As a result, many suggest treating eczema symptoms through dietary changes. Tackling candida issues is a must for anyone prone to eczema. Gut health and the consumption of gut-health enhancing foods may help to reduce the severity of eczema symptoms.

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