Learn the Difference between Nail Psoriasis and Nail Fungus

difference between nail psoriasis and nail fungus

At first glance, nail psoriasis and nail fungus can be quite similar. There are common symptoms between the two. When you look closer though, there is a surprising difference between nail psoriasis and nail fungus.

Nail Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a condition that happens when our skin’s life cycle speeds up. This leads to an overgrowth of skin cells.

A scaly red rash usually on our limbs or face characterizes psoriasis, but it affects our nails differently. The most common symptom is the appearance of pitting in our nails. This is best described as dozens of small pits or dents on the nail surface.

The nail can also become detached from the bed and lead to discoloration and discharge. It’s extremely hard to treat.

Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is known as onychomycosis. This name refers to the discharge it creates. It usually starts with a yellow or white spot on the nail close to the surface. As the infection progresses, it causes discoloration, foul smell, and a crumbly texture.

It’s known to respond well to treatments, even just over the counter ones. It does, however, put you at a higher risk of cellulitis infection.

The Difference?

The difference between nail psoriasis and nail fungus comes down to their classification. While nail fungus is an infection, nail psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder. This is why it can be hard to treat.

Some of their symptoms are quite similar. Discharge, discoloration, and distortion are common. The easiest way to identify the difference between nail psoriasis and nail fungus is actually through the smell. A fungus will give off a pungent, foul odor. Psoriasis will produce some discoloration, but the smell is generally not noticeable.

It’s possible for nail fungus to show the symptoms of nail psoriasis, but not the other way around. Those who have nail psoriasis usually have some sort of preexisting autoimmune disorder also.

In Conclusion

With the symptoms being similar, it’s easy to how some people misdiagnose these. Know the difference between nail psoriasis and nail fungus to arrive at the proper treatment plan.

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