Fungal Infections of the Mucous Membrane

Fungus infections of the mucous membrane

Fungal infections have a wide range of effects on the human body. For some, there are no harmful symptoms or effects. Others receive flu-like symptoms. Rarely, do serious illnesses  occur from fungal infections, which can happen in different parts of the body.

Fungus infections of the mucous membrane occur when a person inhales dangerous fungi spores. The most common infected area is the lungs. Here are a few examples of the infections that can happen as a result.

Examples of Fungus Infections of the Mucous Membrane

Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection that can infect the mucous membrane. This fungus, called Histoplasma, lives primarily in soil that contains bat or bird droppings. Histoplasma is in the central and eastern United States. Histoplasma is also in Central and South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Common symptoms are flu-like. Severe histoplasmosis, called disseminated histoplasmosis, can move into nearly any part of your body, including your mouth and skin.

Another fungus infection is mucormycosis, which is a rare but serious infection. These fungi live in all types of environments. Usually found in soil, and more specifically, decaying organic matter like leaves, compost, or rotting wood. The lung or sinus forms of this infection occur when inhaling spores in the air.

Caused by a yeast called Candida, Candidiasis is a fungal infection. There are more than 20 different Candida species that are responsible for yeast infections in humans. Candidiasis can develop the mouth and throat, causing an infection called “thrush” (oropharyngeal candidiasis). A variation of this infection can infect the esophagus.

Final Thoughts

Fungus infections of the mucous membrane is a long and exhaustive list. But, most people will inhale these fungi without ever developing symptoms. People with weakened immune systems should take extra precautions.

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