Aspergillosis: Causes and Treatment Options

aspergillosis infection

Aspergillosis is an infection that is caused by the fungi of the Aspergillus genus. There are over 300 different forms of Aspergillus. With that many types of fungi, the infection it causes can also be varied. Due to the many different types, aspergillosis infection treatment options can vary.

The Causes

This fungal infection grows in a cavity in the chest and lung area. It’s caused by inhaling spores of the fungi, which grow mainly in bird droppings, compost piles, and dead vegetation. People with a lowered immune system are a prime target for this fungal infection.

The general symptoms people will display include chest pain, fever, and fatigue. Those affected can also experience severe weight loss and vision problems.

There are several forms of aspergillosis infection, each with different symptoms. These include:

The Treatment Options

Before treatment can begin, the type of aspergillosis infection must be diagnosed. Once it’s known, the treatment options can vary from drug therapy and surgery to no treatment at all.

If the patient takes medication that lowers their immune system, it’s best to stop until the infection is gone. The aspergillosis infection thrives on a weak immune system. By stopping the medication, the immune system gets stronger, and would help fight the infection in turn.


Everyday, many people throughout the world encounter the fungi that cause this infection. It’s important to remember that not all develop an infection from it. This is because most people have an immune system that can fight it off. The infections are quite rare, and although they can be nasty at times, they are treatable.

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