5 Things You Can Do to Prevent Yeast Infections

prevent yeast infections

Yeast infections are a fact of life for most women, and the symptoms can cause severe irritation. Discharge, burning, and general discomfort are all common. Many people now experience a resistance to antifungal medications, so it’s important to consider other ways that we as women can prevent yeast infections.

Eat More Probiotics

Probiotics, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, help to restore the balance of bacteria in our body. If you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria, this can lead to excess levels of candida. It’s candida that causes yeast infections, so we want to avoid this.

Wear Cotton Underwear

The bacteria that causes yeast infections thrive in warm, wet environments. Cotton is a fabric that breathes. By wearing cotton underwear, we remain dry and airy, which can prevent yeast infections.

Make Use of Natural Remedies

It’s no secret that fungus has built up a resistance to many medications. By embracing natural remedies, you can prevent yeast infections. Garlic can kill the yeast that causes it, as can tea tree oil. Cranberries can also help you to flush out the bacteria that arise from infections.

Get Some Sleep

If you’re not getting enough sleep, your immune system is probably being affected. This can lead to increases in vaginal acidity. This then affects your pH levels and allows yeast to grow. Getting enough sleep is just one thing you can do to counteract this.

No More Scented Hygiene Products

If a hygiene product you are using contains a scent, it’s likely it was put there by an artificial chemical. These chemicals can irritate your vaginal area, and that irritation can change the environment down there. That change of environment might invite the overgrowth of candida, which cause yeast infections. When it comes to hygiene products, just stick to simple and natural ones.

In Conclusion

It is possible to prevent yeast infections by making some changes to your lifestyle. The examples above are where you can start, and might just save you from having to deal with a yeast infection.

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